What are you seeking_
I was reading in Hosea today. I decided to go through the minor prophets. I have before and I always forget what hidden treasures await in those little, insignificant books in between Daniel and the first gospel.
I am sure most are familiar with the story of Hosea. It is one that has been novelized, televised and turned into stories of all sorts. That being said, if you aren’t familiar with it, in short, it is an allegory that God used to illustrate His will to His people. To describe it in short, His people had turned away from Him and “became Harlots” to other Gods and other things. He was no longer their one true “Lover” but the one they turned away from in search of greater and better things. They sought their fulfillment from things that were not that important, things that would not really fulfill them in the long run anyway.
Sound familiar at all? I felt convicted as I read it. God is the only thing that can fulfill. The only thing really worth seeking. But often I find myself “too tired, too busy, too anything” to open my bible some days. I am filling up with other things. I am playing the Harlot with my computer, my books, my work, whatever keeps me too busy to seek the Lord. And I don’t write this to condemn you. I myself as you can see oft struggle with this. It isn’t just a “turn away once” kind of thing either. It is a constant battle. The enemy is in a battle for our hearts, our minds, our souls, day in and day out. Every minute of every hour he seeks to tear us away from God and His purpose for our lives. And in this day and age, He has so many ways of distracting us.
Whether it be a phone screen, a computer screen, instant tech and entertainment at our fingertips, there are constant distractions pulling us away from that relationship with God. And there is NOTHING. . . should be nothing more important that that relationship with God. Knowing that, there is a lot I could improve upon in that respect. I work towards that, but I also pray. “Draw nigh unto God and He will draw near to you.” There is a promise there. Show up, open your bible, open your heart in prayer and HE WILL come. He will draw near to you.
“I will betroth you to me forever; yes, I will betroth you to me in righteousness and justice and in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord.” ~ Hosea 2:19-20
“And I will sow her for myself anew in the land and I will have love for her who had not love; and I will say to those who were not my people, you are my people, and they shall say, You are my God!” ~ Hosea 2:23
I want to say, ‘You are my God!’ without reservation and with my whole heart.
“Father, let me seek you, my first love. Let me not seek and go after the lovers who give me food, water, wool, flax, oil, and refreshing drink. For you are the one who provides me with all that I need. With food, water, and flax. It was you who gave me these things, not the others.  Let us not go after the things that distract and detract from you. Let me find my love and my fulfillment in you and you only. Let me seek you to fill me up, not things that are shallow, let your love and your love alone satisfy me. Give me one desire.
One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” ~ Psalm 27:4
Give me a heart that desires to inquire in your temple. Give me a heart that seeks one thing, that has no desire and that is consumed by that desire. Let me not be drawn to lesser loves. . . Let me not play the harlot with your love, Oh my God and my King.”
This is the cry of my heart and I pray that it may be the cry of His church.
What are you seeking?
By God’s Grace,
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